Carré Otis, jedno od najprepoznatljivijih lica modne industrije 80-ih i 90-ih, danas se izdvaja kao glas razuma u svijetu koji je, složit ćemo se, postao opsjednut savršenstvom
Nekadašnji supermodel i glumica, koja je krasila naslovnice prestižnih modnih magazina i glumila uz holivudske zvijezde, danas je spisateljica, zagovornica body positivityja i aktivistkinja za prava radnika u modnoj industriji. No njezin put nije bio jednostavan – dapače, bio je to vrtlog izazova, pritisaka i osobnih borbi, koji su je učinili ženom kakva je danas: iskrenom i inspirativnom.

No kako je sve krenulo
Za Carré, počeci u modellingu nisu bili ništa drugo nego puka slučajnost jer, kako kaže, nije to bila očita karijera koju bi odabrala, nego prilika koja se pojavila kad nisu postojale druge opcije. “Bila sam jako mlada i ranjiva, bez pravog mentora ili odrasle osobe koja bi mi pomogla shvatiti kompleksnost industrije”, prisjeća se svojih početaka.
Modna industrija tada je bila poput “Divljeg zapada” – neuređena i kaotična, manekenke su bile predmet tržišta koje je imalo samo jednu definiciju ljepote, a pritisci koje su te mlade žene doživljavale ostavili su trajne tragove. Carré je tako i sama bila izložena brutalnim standardima ljepote, koji nisu odražavali stvarnost. Sve to utjecalo je na njezino mentalno zdravlje i samopouzdanje, a tijekom mladosti borila se s poremećajima prehrane, o kojima danas otvoreno govori.
“Društvo nameće golemi pritisak da bismo trebali izgledali na određeni način. No taj ideal nije stvaran niti uključiv. To je iluzija koju podržavaju industrija, društvene mreže i sada AI,” istaknula je. Svoje osobno iskustvo danas koristi kao alat za edukaciju i inspiraciju drugih. “Osjećam odgovornost da govorim o tome i demistificiram mitove o savršenstvu. Ljepota koju vidimo često je stvorena, umjetna i nema veze sa stvarnim životom”, dodala je. “Iako su društvene mreže postale važan alat, one također stvaraju opasnu dinamiku i utječu na samopouzdanje, a mladi ljudi se sve više nalaze pod utjecajem tih savršenih prikaza.”
Od modellinga do wellness aktivistkinje
Za Carré, prijelaz iz svijeta mode u wellness i zagovaranje zdravlja nije bio iznenadan. Za nju je to bio prirodan razvoj, rezultat njezinih vlastitih iskustava i želje za dubljim povezivanjem sa sobom i vlastitim tijelom. “Ja sam žena koja se prilagodila, koja je preživjela, koja je svjesna da se tijelo stalno mijenja. Ključno je prihvatiti te promjene i prigrliti ih”, govori nam o svojoj filozofiji života. Sada, više nego ikad, smatra važnim usmjeriti pozornost na to kako se nositi s promjenama koje dolaze s godinama, a koje su neizbježne.
Te promjene utječu i na njezinu svakodnevicu, a dnevni rituali uključuju meditaciju, boravak u prirodi, te vježbe LaGree, metode vježbanja koju smatra izuzetno korisnom za mentalno i fizičko zdravlje. Također, otkrila je da kuhanje nutritivnih bogatih obroka, uključujući pripremu “fire cider” napitka i juha od kostiju, ima važnu ulogu u njezinoj svakodnevnoj rutini koja je usmjerena na dugoročno zdravlje. Iako wellness i aktivizam postaju njen glavni fokus, Carré se i dalje posvećuje industriji mode, posebno kroz svoj rad u Model Allianceu, organizaciji koja se bori za prava modela, stvarajući pravednije uvjete u industriji.

Osim toga, izdala je i memoare “Beauty Disrupted”, koji su izazvali veliku pozornost jer donose intiman uvid u Carréin život – od uspjeha na modnim pistama do borbi koje su oblikovale njezin karakter. “Pisanje mi je oduvijek bilo strast. Bio je to prirodan proces i alat za rast”, otkriva. No snimanje audioknjige za nju je bilo posebno izazovno. “Osjećala sam se ranjivo dok sam svoju priču dijelila s nepoznatim ljudima u studiju”, priznaje, ali dodaje kako je preuzimanje kontrole nad vlastitom naracijom bilo ključan korak u njezinu osnaživanju.
Iako se modna industrija naizgled mijenja, Carré smatra da inkluzivnost često ostaje na površini. “Nažalost, inkluzivnost je često samo trend, a ne stvarna promjena”, kaže. Unatoč tome, ponosna je što može biti primjer ženama svih generacija. “Danas, u 56. godini, s borama i sijedom kosom, stojim uspravno i ne kompromitiram svoje vrijednosti”, dodaje.
Mladima koji ulaze u modnu industriju poručuje da budu oprezni i da se educiraju o svojim pravima. “Zastupajte sami sebe, pronađite kvalitetnog agenta i ne prihvaćajte nikakve “crvene zastave” olako”, savjetuje. Također preporučuje suradnju s organizacijama poput Model Alliancea koje pružaju podršku modelima.

Trenutačno fokusirana na projekt Fashion Workers Act, koji se zalaže za poboljšanje radnih uvjeta u modnoj industriji, Carré vjeruje da je promjena moguća, ali samo uz trud i glasne zagovornike pravde. Njezina poruka je jasna: “Ljepota nije samo ono što vidimo na van. Ona dolazi iznutra – iz otpornosti, autentičnosti i sposobnosti da ostanemo vjerni sebi.”
English version
Carré Otis, one of the most recognizable faces in the fashion industry of the 1980s and 1990s, now stands out as a voice of reason in a world that, let’s agree, has become obsessed with perfection.
The former supermodel and actress, who graced the covers of prestigious fashion magazines and starred alongside Hollywood icons, is now a writer, body positivity advocate, and activist for workers’ rights in the fashion industry. But her journey wasn’t easy – on the contrary, it was a whirlwind of challenges, pressures, and personal battles that shaped her into the woman she is today: honest and inspiring.
So, how did it all begin?
For Carré, entering the modeling world was nothing more than a coincidence. As she says, it wasn’t an obvious career choice but an opportunity that came up when there were no other options. “I was very young and vulnerable, without any real adult to help me understand the complexities of the industry”, she recalls.
At that time, the fashion industry was like the “wild west”— unregulated and chaotic. Models were commodities in a market with only one definition of beauty, and the pressures these young women faced left lasting scars. Carré herself was subjected to brutal beauty standards that did not reflect reality. All of this affected her mental health and self-confidence, and in her youth, she struggled with eating disorders, which she now speaks openly about.

“There is a tremendous amount of pressure for humanity to look a certain way. It is not based on reality nor diversity. This expectation is perpetuated by the industry and impossible beauty standards as well as many individuals on social media and now we have the forces of AI contributing to ridiculous standards. It’s a huge contributor to the mental health humanity is experiencing, especially our young people”, she emphasized. She uses her personal experience today as a tool to educate and inspire others. “I feel a responsibility to speak to others regarding my firsthand experience as well as to debunk the myth that this sort of beauty and perfect life actually exists. It is manufactured and created”, she added. “While social media has become an important tool, it also creates a dangerous dynamic, impacting self-esteem, with young people increasingly influenced by these perfect portrayals.”
From Modeling to Wellness Activist
For Carré, transitioning from the fashion world to wellness and health advocacy wasn’t sudden. For her, it was a natural progression, the result of her own experiences and a desire for a deeper connection with herself and her body. “I’m a woman who has adapted, who has survived, and who is aware that the body is constantly changing. It’s crucial to accept those changes and embrace them,” she shares about her life philosophy. Now more than ever, she finds it important to focus on how to cope with the inevitable changes that come with aging.
These changes also influence her daily routine, which includes meditation, spending time in nature, and practicing LaGree fitness, a method she finds highly beneficial for mental and physical health. She also emphasizes the importance of preparing nutrient-rich meals, including making “fire cider” and bone broths, as part of her long-term health-focused lifestyle. While wellness and activism have become her main focus, Carré remains involved in the fashion industry, particularly through her work with Model Alliance, an organization fighting for fair conditions in the industry.

Additionally, she published her memoir Beauty Disrupted, which garnered significant attention for its intimate insights into her life—from her runway successes to the struggles that shaped her character. “Writing has always been a passion for me. It was a natural process and a tool for growth”, she reveals. However, recording the audiobook was especially challenging for her. “I felt vulnerable sharing my story with strangers in the studio”, she admits, but adds that taking control of her narrative was a crucial step in her empowerment.
Although the fashion industry seems to be changing, Carré believes inclusivity often remains superficial. Despite this, she is proud to serve as an example to women of all generations. “Today, at 56, with wrinkles and gray hair, I stand tall and uncompromising in my values”, she adds.

To young people entering the fashion industry, she advises caution and self-education about their rights. “Advocate for yourself, find a good agent, and don’t dismiss any ‘red flags’ lightly”, she advises. She also recommends collaborating with organizations like Model Alliance, which provide support to models.
Currently focused on the Fashion Workers Act project, which advocates for improved working conditions in the fashion industry, Carré believes change is possible but only with effort and outspoken advocates for justice.
Talent: Carré Otis
Represented by Iconic Focus Models
Producer/Photographer: Tom Marvel
Creative Director: Cannon at Ray Brown
Lighting Director: Pierre Bonnet
Director of Video: James Webber
Digital Tech: Olivia Wohlers
Photographer Assistants: Ryan Liu | Michele Wilhelmina
Hair : Linh Nguyen at SEE Managementusing R+Co
Make Up: Aya Tariq at The Wall Group using MAC cosmetics
Fashion Team: Maksim Mizgirev, Sydney,Madison Wen Gu X CARRÉ OTIS, @stellamccartney
Digital Artist: Marilynn Hawkridge
Grip: George Pepe
Special Thanks to Lori Modugno @iconicfocus
Shot at : Hudson Yards Loft
Production: Winnie Noan