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STAYHOMEのあさごはん🍞 今回は、ブルーベリーと練りごまのスイーツトースト。酸味と甘味がバランスよくて、最後まで美味しく食べられます☺️ これまで作ってきたトーストで1番難易度が低い(のに美味しい&かわいい)💐ぜひ、余裕のある朝に試してみてください😇このトーストでメイキング動画作ろうかな。 This time it's blueberries and kneaded sesame seeds on sweet toast.The sourness and sweetness are well-balanced, and it's delicious all the way through. This is the least challenging (yet delicious & cute) toast I've ever made 💐 please try it in the mornings when you can afford it 😇

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Umjetnost nastala za vrijeme ‘lockdowna’ može biti itekako jedinstvena.

Koronavirus i ‘lockdown’ imaju i svoju pozitivnu stranu. Ostajanje kod kuće i nošenje s pandemijom mnoge je učinila kreativnijima. Biti zatvoren u četiri zida može ponukati i na istraživanje svog vlastitog ja, kao i vlastite kreativnosti. Ova umjetnica iz Tokija tako je krenula istraživati hranu, točnije, od jedne posve klasične namirnice odlučila je kreirati prava remek djela.

S rezultatima je posve zapanjila svoje postojeće i nove pratitelje, a osim što stvara svoja remek djela od hrane, reinterpretira i poznata umjetnička djela te poznate umjetnike. Nas je posve osvojila, a vjerujemo da ni vi nakon ovog članak nijedan tost više nećete gledati istim očima.

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STAYHOMEのあさごはん🍞 旬のいちじくとディルのトースト❣️ シンプルだけど、華やかで食べ応えがあります。 サワークリームとピンクペッパーで額縁を作って、主役のいちじくを引き立てました。 焼いた後にオリーブオイルと潰したピンクペッパーを振りかけて完成💐 旬の今じゃないとなかなか食べれないので、是非この季節に! Figs and dill on fruit toast.🌿🍞 This is the season for figs in Japan.🇯🇵 Simple but gorgeous and satisfying. I framed it with sour cream and pink pepper to complement the star of the show, the figs.👑 Once toasted, drizzle with olive oil and crushed pink pepper and you're done!

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STAYHOMEのあさごはん🍞 今回は、サワークリームとホワイトマッシュルームを使った、白×白トースト☺️ アクセントにピンクペッパーとディル🌿 サワークリームをホイップ絞りするのは温度調整と時間の戦いでした💥 陶芸屋さんで見つけたお皿も、ようやく出番を迎えました❣️トーストをのせるための素敵なお皿がもっと欲しいな〜😌 — This time the toast is white×white toast with sour cream and white mushrooms.🍄 I use pink pepper and dill for accents. 🌿 It was difficult to squeeze out the sour cream like whipped cream. It's all about adjusting the temperature and working time! I was finally able to use the plates I found at the pottery shop.I need more nice plates to put my toast on.🍞

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STAYHOMEのあさごはん🍞 今日のトーストは、江戸時代後期の浮世絵師、歌川国貞(1786-1865)の美人画、再び!👘🍞「当世美人合踊師匠」です。 お化粧をしている美人画は可愛くてお気に入り😌💭 今回は髪飾りを立体的に盛ってみました。 桜海老だらけのひと口が最高に美味しかった・・・! 今回のトーストは、ドイツのテレビ局の取材で制作したものです🇩🇪最初の食パン選びから、もりもり食べるところまで、メイキング撮影して頂きました☺️ — This time the toast is once again Utagawa Kunisada (1786-1865), an ukiyo-e artist from the late Edo period. 🇯🇵👘His ukiyoe with makeup on is one of my favorites. In this toast, I put the ingredients for hair ornaments on it in a three-dimensional way. The bite where the cherry shrimp were laid on top was so good!🦐 This time I was interviewed by a German TV .🇩🇪They filmed me from the selection of the toast I was going to draw to the eating of the toast.😉

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STAYHOMEのあさごはん🍞 今回は鶴柄🇯🇵🗻 鶴は豊かな生命力と長寿の象徴で、吉祥文様として親しまれています。 折り鶴、飛鶴、千羽鶴、雲鶴などなど、同じモチーフなのに幅広い意匠があるのが、日本らしい! 具材は、サワークリームとイカスミ。最高コンビです☺️✨ —— This morning's breakfast is crane pattern.🇯🇵🗻
The crane is a symbol of abundant life force and longevity, and is popularly known as a Japanese pattern.
There are various types of cranes, such as folded-paper cranes, flying cranes, thousand cranes, and cranes combined with clouds. Is. It is typical of Japan that there are many expressions of the same motif. The ingredients are sour cream and squid ink.
It's the best combination.🤝😇

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STAYHOMEのあさごはん🍞 本日はオリジナルで、ラディッシュトースト😉🌟 具材はシンプルに、サワークリーム、ラディッシュ、イカスミ。パンの香りと甘みが引き立つ1枚!👏 大根は英語でradish。海外で馴染みのある大根は、この赤くて丸いラディッシュなんですって・・・。 白くて太長い、日本の馴染みある大根は、英語でJapanese white radishと呼ぶらしい😲! —— Today I made toast with my favorite vegetable, radishes. The ingredients are simple: sour cream, radish, and squid ink. It's one that really brings out the flavor and sweetness of the bread!🍞🌟 Incidentally, the radishes are called "20-day radishes" in Japanese because they can be harvested in 20 days.In Japan, "radishes" are generally large and white. That’s very confusing!🙄⚡️

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