Internetom se širi novi viralni recept, a radi se o cottage cheese wrapu, odnosno tortilji od zrnatog sira, koja se promovira kao visokoproteinska zamjena za kruh u sendvičima. Za sve ljubitelje zrnatog sira, poput mene, ovaj trend došao je kao naručen. Pa što je zapravo taj viralni cottage cheese wrap?
Osnovna ideja je da se zrnati sir pomiješa s jajima kako bi se dobila smjesa slična tijestu. Smjesa se zatim razmaže u ravnomjernom sloju na pleh i peče u pećnici. Rezultat? Savršen, visokoproteinski, bezglutenski wrap koji možete napuniti raznim povrćem, piletinom, puretinom, avokadom, ili dodatnim zrnatim sirom za veću dozu proteina.
@nutritionbabe This Viral Cottage Cheese Wrap Did Not Disappoint!!! Follow for more healthy, high protein recipes. This would make a perfevt dinner or snack with the 2B mindset program To make the wrap: Preheat oven to 350°F. Blend : 1 cup lowfat cottage cheese 1/2 cup egg whites 1 garlic clove 1/2 tsp dried basil Pour on a greased baking sheet and bake for 45 min. Its long but worth it. #cottagecheese #cottagecheesewrap #highproteinmeals #healthyrecipes #highproteinwrap #proteinrecipe ♬ original sound – NutritionBabe
Ovaj recept ima mnoge varijante, uključujući one koje koriste samo bjelanjke, one koje koriste cijela jaja te one koje se prže u tavi umjesto pečenja u pećnici. Postoji čak i onaj najjednostavnija verzija u kojoj se zrnati sir samo zapeče u pećnici.
@lowcarb.jiji This simple 1 INGREDIENT low carb high protein flatbread recipe is A KEEPER! By @healthymumway Ingredients: 200gr (7 ounces) cottage cheese 1/2 teaspoon mixed herbs or your favourite spices (optional) Method: Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350F) and line a small rectangular tray with parchment paper. Spread the cottage cheese evenly on the parchment paper and flatten it out. Sprinkle your choice of spices or herbs on top, if desired. Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 30 minutes, or until the edges start to turn slightly golden brown. Once baked, cut it in half and load it up with your favourite ingredients! I’ve had mine with avocado, rocket salad, carrots and sriracha sauce 😋 . 📚✨ Elevate your keto journey with my brand new cookbook! 🥑Dive into a world of flavor and wellness with 500 mouthwatering keto recipes and an exclusive 8-week meal plan! 🌟 Whether you’re a seasoned keto enthusiast or just starting your low-carb adventure, this cookbook is your passport to delicious and wholesome meals. – 👩🍳 From breakfast to dinner, desserts to snacks, each recipe is crafted to satisfy your taste buds and support your keto lifestyle. 🍽️ Fuel your body with the right ingredients and embrace a healthier, happier you! 🔥 Why wait? Click the link in my bio (@lowcarb.jiji ) to grab your copy now and embark on a culinary journey that combines taste and nutrition. 📲✨ – Follow us For Daily Healthy Recipes To Weight Loss & Healthy Lifestyle🥑💯 – – • • • • • • • • • ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #ketogeniclife #ketosnacks #ketomeals #ketobreakfast #sugarfree #ketolove #ketofriendly #lowcarbfood #ketogeniclifestyle #ketojourney #ketoforbeginners #ketocarnivore #ketomom #lowcarb #intermittentfasting #ketomeal #lowcarblife #ketolife ♬ original sound – Eat Healthy is Good
Dakle, evo dva najpopularnija recepta za ovaj viralni cottage cheese wrap za sve željne isprobavanja.
Osnovni recept:
- 200 g zrnatog sira
- 2 cijela jaja
- prstohvat soli
- Zagrijte pećnicu na 180 °C.
- Zrnati sir i jaja stavite u blender i miksajte dok ne dobijete glatku smjesu.
- Smjesu razmažite na pleh obložen papirom za pečenje u obliku pravokutnika
- Pecite 20 minuta dok wrap ne postane čvrst i lagano zlatan.
- Napunite omiljenim nadjevima.
Verzija s bjelanjcima
- 200 g zrnatog sira
- 4 bjelanjka
- prstohvat soli
Postupak je isti kao kod osnovnog recepta, samo koristite bjelanjke umjesto cijelih jaja.