Kako bi bilo lijepo kada bi svakodnevno imali mogućnost promjene svog okoliša i uživanja u novim i drugačijim pejzažima. Mlada četveročlana obitelj Spencer, odlučila je slijediti svoje snove te je preuredila stari školski bus u svoj novi dom.


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My husband came home one day and said—“Let’s build a skoolie.” 🛠 “A what?” Is exactly what I said. ❓ “A skoolie,” which I have come to learn is a school bus that is renovated into a tiny home. I told my husband that I thought it was a cool idea, but in my mind, I was raging: “That is the worst idea ever.” 👨🏼‍💻 All my husband needed was for me to say I thought it was a cool idea and he was off and running. I honestly imagined the idea would die a hard death somewhere in his research, but it didn’t. 🚌 This brilliant bus conversion idea started with us just throwing up some bunks and calling it a day, but over the next year it morphed into an actual house inside a bus. I eventually got excited and found myself bidding on government auction sites for buses, sketching drawings of our new home and dreaming about cruising around America. 🖊📝📃💻Link in bio to read more about our bus adventures.

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Obitelj Spencer jedan dio vremena provodi u Americi, a drugi dio u Africi gdje suprug radi kao suosnivač čistog energetskog poslovanja sa sjedištem u istočnoj Africi. “Željeli smo imati prostor za sebe kada se vratimo u Ameriku, a obitelj nam se rasipala diljem zemlje pa je ovo bila idealna solucija.”, rekla je Elizabeth.

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We finally got a mirror in the bus!

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“Na kraju smo se odlučili kupiti stari školski bus koji smo preuredili u dom na kotačima.” Od kada je bus u studenom 2018. godine završen, žive u njemu. Obitelj voli imati udobnost doma dok putuje, pa je bus uređen bojama i dekorima kakve preferira mlada obitelj, te je podijeljen na tri dijela.

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If you want to start your life over as minimalist I recommend moving by airplane ✈️ — then you have to pack everything that belongs to you in suitcases and every extra bag over the quota is $180. It really made me think about my stuff and what I really needed to keep. I spent almost two months cleaning out and selling stuff from our home in Ethiopia. With each item I asked myself “if I get rid of this will I rebuy it in America?” 90% of the time the answer was no. So we sold and gave away almost everything. There was something liberating about a fresh start and decluttering. The hardest items for me to part with were our books. Now we are starting over with less stuff but more stuff that we actually use and like.

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First breakfast in the bus. 🍓🍳☕️

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Prvi dio busa je dnevni i kuhinjski prostor dok su na drugom djelu smješteni kreveti na kat i kupaonica. Treći, i posljednji dio busa je zamišljen kao uredski dio koji se po potrebi pretvara u spavaonu.

Ako ste avanturističkog duha kao i ova obitelj, vjerojatno ste već u razmišljanju o nešto drugačijem smještaju za budućnost, u kojem nećete ovisiti o geografskom položaju. Divna pomisao, zar ne?

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Hi guys! This is Rowena reporting from the bus. I want to encourage all babies out there to get a bus. It will change your life and here are my three reason why every baby needs a bus. 1️⃣ You are guaranteed to be close to your mom at all times. Even when she is in the kitchen and you are in your room— it’s only like 4 ft away at all times. 2️⃣ When your bus breaks down in the middle of no where it gets even better: you get to sleep with mom and dad the whole night long to converse heat. Ginger the dog— and my best friend in the whole world— even got to sleep with us. 3️⃣ I didn’t really have a third point but I wanted to round it out. #babybuslife

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