Mlada brazilska manekenka, Thalita Livi, oduvijek je znala kojim putem želi krenuti. Privučena avanturističkim načinom života i slobodom koju donosi životni stil modela, na dobrom je putu da ostavi svoj trag u modnoj industriji poput najvećih ikona koje su se pojavljivale na naslovnicima modnih žurnala.
Thalita, počeli ste s modelingom već s 13 godina. Kakva je bila reakcija vaših roditelja?
Kad sam navršila pet godina, cijeloj svojoj obitelji sam obznanila da želim postati model. Mislim da se moja majka oduvijek spremala za trenutak kad ću početi slijediti svoje snove.
Koja su tri razloga zbog kojih si se zainteresirala za modeling, a što percipiraš kao nedostatak ove branše?
Prvenstveno obožavam cijelu modnu scenu i sve što ovaj posao predstavlja. Želja mi je maksimalno upoznati svijet i raditi kao nejveća imena fashion industrije. Također, dopada mi se što u ovom poslu nema dnevne rutine, i svaki dan je poseban. Najteže mi pada razdvojenost od obitelji, ali tješi me spoznaja da ljudi koji susrećete i s kojima radite polako postaju vaša druga, alternativna, obitelj uz koju rastete i razvijate se svaki dan.
Često putujete. Iz kojih zemalja imate najljepše uspomene?
Dosad sam proputovala trinaest zemalja, a najviše me oduševljava upoznavanje lokalnih običaja i kultura koje su potpuno različite od one iz koje potječem. Ne bih mogla posebno istaknuti nijednu zemlju kao neku koju preferiram, jer svaka je posebna i magična na svoj način.
Kakvi su vam planovi za budućnost?
Želim se nastaviti psihički i fizički razvijati u pozitivnom smjeru, a kako bih postigla sve što sam zacrtala jedino što mi preostaje je naporan rad i disciplina. Put do vrha nije lagan, ali ako dovoljno vjerujete u sebe sve je moguće!
Model: Thalita Livi, @thalivi
Production: @say _media
Blic interview: ‘Up & coming’ model Thalita Livi
The young Brazilian model Thalita Livi has always known which path she wanted to take. Attracted by the adventurous lifestyle and freedom that comes with the model lifestyle, she is well on her way to making her mark in the fashion industry like the biggest icons who have appeared on the covers of fashion magazines.
Thalita, you started modeling at the age of 13. What was your parents’ reaction?
When I turned five I announced to my whole family that I wanted to become a model. I think my mother has always been preparing herself for the moment when I would start following my dreams.
What are the three reasons why you became interested in modeling and what do you perceive as a shortcoming of this branch?
First of all, I love the whole fashion scene and everything this industry represents. My desire is to get to know the world as much as possible and work like the some of the biggest names in the fashion industry. Also, I like that there is no daily routine in this job and every day is special. Separation from my family is the hardest thing for me, but I am comforted by the knowledge that the people you meet and work with slowly become your second, alternative, family with which you grow and develop every day.
You travel often. From which countries do you have the best memories?
So far I have traveled to thirteen countries and what excites me the most is getting to know local customs and cultures that are completely different from the one I come from. I couldn’t single out any country as my favorite because each one is special and magical in its own way.
What are your plans for the future?
I want to continue to develop mentally and physically in a positive direction, and in order to achieve everything I set out to do, the only thing left for me is hard work and discipline. The road to the top is not easy, but if you believe in yourself enough anything is possible!