Iako živimo u vremenu u kojem se uspjeh mjeri vanjskim, materijalnim postignućima, Regan Hillyer izdvaja se kao primjer nekih novih generacija, pokazujući nam što znači stvarno manifestirati vlastite snove
Poznata i međunarodno prepoznata kao “The Queen of Manifestation”, Hillyer je izgradila poduzetničko carstvo otvorenjem svoje RHI (Regan Hillyer International) tvrtke, koja je ostvarila izvanredan uspjeh u samo deset godina rada. U našem ekskluzivnom intervjuu, Regan nam je ispričala sve o svom poduzetničkom putu, angažmanu u osnaživanju žena poduzetnica, ali i o svojoj posvećenosti filantropiji te ciklusima davanja i uzvraćanja.
Kako je sve krenulo
Njezin je put sve osim običnog. Izvorno školovana kao arhitektica, Hillyer je otkrila da je njezina prava strast u izgradnji nečega daleko složenijeg od fizičkih struktura – postala je arhitektica ljudskog potencijala. Ovaj ključni prijelaz od dizajniranja planova do dizajniranja života označio je za nju početak revolucionarnog pristupa osobnoj i profesionalnoj transformaciji.
Hillyer je tako razvila revolucionarnu The Energetic Architecture Method, tehniku manifestiranja koja nadmašuje tradicionalne strategije postavljanja ciljeva. Kako? Pa, za razliku od konvencionalnih pristupa koji se oslanjaju isključivo na mentalnu vizualizaciju, ova metoda koristi kvantno polje, stvarajući dinamičnu interakciju između namjere, energije i akcije. “Manifestacija nije samo maštanje”, objašnjava nam Hillyer. “Radi se o strateškoj usklađenosti energije i preciznom dizajnu namjere.”
Njezina metoda tako nudi sustavni pristup razbijanju osobnih ograničenja, omogućujući pojedincima da konstruiraju svoju željenu stvarnost s istom preciznošću s kojom arhitekt dizajnira složenu zgradu.
A uspijeva li? Rezultati govore sami za sebe. Kroz Regan Hillyer International (RHI) potaknula je i osnažila poduzetnike da izgrade tvrtke sa šest i sedam znamenki koje nadmašuju geografske granice. No njezini klijenti ne postižu samo financijski uspjeh – oni stvaraju neovisna poduzeća koja odražavaju pravu osobnu slobodu. Kako Hillyer kaže, ona “osnažuje novu vrstu svjesnih milijunaša, redefinirajući oblik korporativnog lidera – nabolje.”
No utjecaj Regan Hillyer daleko nadmašuje njezino poslovno mentorstvo. Kao govornik na prestižnim platformama, uključujući Mindvalley University, postala je prepoznata kao inspiracijska govornica koja ne samo da motivira već i fundamentalno transformira mentalitete. Njezino pojavljivanje u globalnim medijima poput “Forbesa”, “Huffington Posta” i “Cosmopolitana” podcrtava njezin status kao prave misli vođe.
Reganin pristup kombinira više modaliteta – certificirana je majstorica NLP-a, majstorica hipnoze i strateginja uspjeha – stvarajući holističku metodologiju koja se bavi osobnom transformacijom s više kutova. Ovaj multidimenzionalni pristup izdvaja je u industriji koja je često zasićena jednodimenzionalnim strategijama.
Svojim napornim radom i modernim strategijama, Regan Hillyer ostvaruje i značajan utjecaj u modnom okruženju. Krasila je naslovnice nekih od najprestižnijih svjetskih publikacija, uključujući “Glamour Magazine”, “Marie Claire”, “Harper’s Bazaar” i “L’Officiel”, a 2023. njezin je utjecaj dodatno potvrđen kad je nagrađena nagradom Glamour Magazine’s Powerful Female Entrepreneur, priznanjem koje puno govori o njezinu transformativnom vodstvu.
“Bila mi je velika čast primiti priznanje za moj rad kao žene poduzetnice i mentorice stotinama tisuća, a sada, mogu slobodno reći, osnaženih žena poduzetnica. To također potvrđuje činjenicu da su moj rad i nastava oko manifestacije danas u potpunosti prepoznati kao mainstream poslovni alat.”
A izvan njezina uspjeha, Regan Hillyer teži podržavanju drugih. Njezini filantropski napori duboko su ukorijenjeni u njezinoj poslovnoj filozofiji, s posebnim naglaskom na osnaživanje mladih i obrazovanje. Kroz strateška partnerstva s organizacijama poput Pencils of Promise radi na stvaranju obrazovnih prilika za djecu iz siromašnih zemalja diljem svijeta.
Reganin RHI Youth Scholarship program dokaz je njezine vjere da transformacija počinje pristupom obrazovanju. Pružajući stipendije i podržavajući inicijative koje razbijaju cikluse ograničenja, širi svoju filozofiju manifestacije od individualnog uspjeha do kolektivnog napretka. Njezine donacije i aktivno sudjelovanje pokazuju da pravo obilje znači stvaranje prilika za druge, a ne samo nakupljanje osobnog bogatstva.
Upravo ta posvećenost pomaganju drugima ono je što uistinu izdvaja Hillyer. Njezina filozofija izaziva tradicionalnu narativu uspjeha, sugerirajući da osobno ispunjenje nije u usklađivanju s vanjskim očekivanjima, već u svjesnom dizajniranju života koji autentično predstavlja najdublje aspiracije.
Primarno bazirana u Kostariki, ali s globalnim dosegom, Hillyer je stvorila međunarodnu platformu koja nadmašuje geografske i kulturne granice. Kroz svoje online programe, govorne angažmane i transformacijske retreate, nastavlja utjecati na milijune, dokazujući da je prava manifestacija umjetnost koja je dostupna svakome tko je spreman preoblikovati svoj energetski plan. Na sjecištu vizije, energije i nepokolebljive odlučnosti, Regan Hillyer stoji kao živi dokaz moći svjesne kreacije. Ona je više od poduzetnice, više od mentorice, više od govornice – ona je kvantna arhitektica ljudskog potencijala.
Njezin put ilustrira da prava transformacija nadmašuje tradicionalne granice, povezujući osobno osnaživanje, globalni utjecaj i duboku posvećenost pomaganju drugima da otključaju svoje najizvanrednije sebe. Od arhitektonskih planova njezine rane karijere do energetskih planova koje sada dizajnira, Hillyer i dalje redefinira što je moguće, inspirirajući globalnu zajednicu da kroči u svoju najmoćniju i najprosperitetniju verziju stvarnosti.
English version
In a world where success is often measured by external achievements, Regan Hillyer stands out as a beacon of transformative potential, redefining what it means to truly manifest one’s dreams
Known and internationally recognised as “The Queen of Manifestation”. Hillyer has carved out a remarkable path that seamlessly blends architectural precision with energetic entrepreneurship, building her RHI (Regan Hillyer International) businesses into multi-8 figure enterprises in a scant 10 years.
In our exclusive interview, Regan outlines her meteoric rise to global entrepreneurial success, her commitment to empowering rising female entrepreneurs and her passion and dedication to her philanthropy, and the pay it forward and give-back cycles.
Her journey is anything but conventional. Originally trained as an architect, Hillyer discovered that her true passion lay in constructing something far more intricate than physical structures – she became an architect of human potential. This pivotal transition from blueprint design to life design marked the beginning of a revolutionary approach to personal and professional transformation.
At the heart of Hillyer’s global impact is her groundbreaking, original Energetic Architecture Method™, a manifestation technique that goes beyond traditional goal-setting strategies. Unlike conventional approaches that rely solely on mental visualization, this method taps into the quantum field, creating a dynamic interplay between intention, energy, and action. “Manifestation isn’t about wishful thinking,” Hillyer explains. “It’s about strategic energy alignment and precise intentional design.”
Her method provides a systematic approach to breaking through personal limitations, allowing individuals to construct their desired reality with the same precision an architect would design a complex building.
The results speak volumes. Through Regan Hillyer International (RHI), she has encouraged and empowered entrepreneurs to build six and seven-figure businesses that transcend geographical boundaries. Her clients aren’t just achieving financial success; they’re creating location-independent ventures that reflect true personal freedom. As Hillyer says, she “is giving empowerment to a new breed of conscious millionaire, redefining the shape of a corporate leader, – for the better.”
Regan Hillyer’s influence extends far beyond her business coaching. A regular speaker at prestigious platforms, including Mindvalley University, she has been recognized as an inspirational speaker who doesn’t just motivate but fundamentally transforms mindsets. Her appearances in global media outlets such as Forbes, Huffington Post, and Cosmopolitan underscore her status as a genuine thought leader.
Regan’s approach combines multiple modalities – she’s a certified Master of NLP, Master of Hypnosis, and Success Strategist – creating a holistic methodology that addresses personal transformation from multiple angles. This multidimensional approach sets her apart in an industry often saturated with one-dimensional strategies.
Regan Hillyer’s influence extends far beyond the realm of business coaching, making significant waves in both media and fashion landscapes. Her striking presence has graced the covers and feature spreads of some of the world’s most prestigious publications, including Glamour Magazine, Marie Claire, Harper’s Bazaar, and L’Officiel. These aren’t mere photoshoots, but powerful statements of a modern entrepreneurial woman who defies traditional boundaries. In 2023, her impact was further solidified when she was awarded Glamour Magazine’s Powerful Female Entrepreneur prize, a recognition that speaks volumes about her transformative leadership.
I was so honored to be awarded this trophy and have the recognition for my work as a female entrepreneur and mentor to hundreds of thousands of now empowered, rising female business stars. It also characterises the fact that my work and teachings around manifestation are now fully recognised as a mainstream business tool.
Her features in Forbes France, BRAINZ Magazine, Vogue, Biohack Yourself and Strong Magazines showcase her multifaceted persona – part visionary entrepreneur, part inspirational thought leader and role model. These platforms have amplified her message, demonstrating that success is not just about financial achievement, but about holistic personal empowerment.
Beyond her personal success, Regan Hillyer’s true measure lies in her commitment to uplifting others. Her philanthropic efforts are deeply ingrained in her business philosophy, with a particular focus on youth empowerment and education. Through strategic partnerships with organizations such as Pencils of Promise, she has been instrumental in creating educational opportunities for underprivileged children around the world.
Regan’s RHI Youth Scholarship program is a testament to her belief that transformation begins with access to education. By providing scholarships and supporting initiatives that break cycles of limitation, she extends her manifestation philosophy from individual success to collective progression. Her donations and active involvement demonstrates that true abundance is about creating opportunities for others, not just accumulating personal wealth.

What truly distinguishes Hillyer is her commitment to helping people “Have it all on their terms.” Her philosophy challenges the traditional narrative of success, suggesting that personal fulfillment isn’t about conforming to external expectations but about consciously designing a life that authentically represents one’s deepest aspirations.
Based primarily in Costa Rica but with a global reach, Hillyer has created an international platform that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries. Through her online programs, speaking engagements, and transformative retreats, she continues to impact millions, proving that true manifestation is an art form accessible to anyone willing to reshape their energetic blueprint.
At the intersection of vision, energy, and unwavering determination, Regan Hillyer stands as a living testament to the power of conscious creation. She is more than an entrepreneur, more than a coach, more than a speaker – she is a quantum architect of human potential.
Her journey illustrates that true transformation transcends traditional boundaries, weaving together personal empowerment, global impact, and a profound commitment to helping others unlock their most extraordinary selves. From the architectural blueprints of her early career to the energetic blueprints she now designs, Hillyer continues to redefine what’s possible, inspiring a global community to step into their most powerful, purposeful, and prosperous version of reality.
Foto: Alex Clint
Styling: Polina Shabelnikova
Hair&Makeup: Kalina KocembaAsistentica stilistice: Asta Athenais Diallo
PR: TopCity @topcity_official