
Neda, model i glazbenica indijskih korijena iz New Yorka, bavi se manekenstvom još od tinejdžerskih dana i svojom glazbom je otvorila mnoga vrata kako u glazbenoj, tako i u modnoj industriji
Vidjeli smo je na naslovnicama prestižnih časopisa poput Voguea, Harper’s Bazaara, L’Officiela, Glamour Magazina, a sada je i na naslovnici Grazije. Hodala je pistama za mnoge dizajnere tijekom New York Fashion Weeka te istovremeno nastupala na glazbenoj sceni. Uz to je osvojila titulu Mrs. Philadelphia 2020. godine te pozirala za Ellen Shop Ellen Degeneres. Također je imala priliku zaigrati u nekoliko TV emisija poput Blue Bloods i raznih reklama, a i otpjevati himnu za košarkaše Philadelphia 76ers i Delaware Blue Coats.

Neda je nedavno objavila novu Bollywood pjesmu naziva “Haseena Rai”, što znači “predivna”. Pjesma govori o prvom trenutku kada je ugledala tog posebnog muškarca i zaljubila se u njega. U indijskoj tradiciji, na nekim vjenčanjima žene sakriju ime mladoženje na svojoj ruci ispisanoj s hennom, u nadi da će mladoženja pronaći vlastito ime. Neda zato pjeva: Kada pronađeš svoje ime u mojoj ruci, zaplesat ćemo cijelu noć., slaveći indijske običaje. Kako ističe u razgovoru, uvijek je bila strastvena prema svojoj kulturi. Kao dijete se često oblačila u bolivudske haljine i plesala trbušni uz indijske pjesme. Redovito je osmišljavala koreografije za plesne nastupe sa svojim članovima obitelji na posebnim događanjima. Jedan od njenih snova bio je zaigrati u indijskom filmu i sudjelovati u plesnim scenama. Ispričala nam je priču kako je kao mlada imala priliku zaigrati u indijskom filmu, pa su ona i članovi obitelji otputovali u Indiju. Nažalost, zaglavili su u vlaku u Indiji i nikada nisu stigli snimitu scene plesa. Zato je Neda odlučila, budući taj san nije ostvaren, da je došlo vrijeme da preuzme stvari u svoje ruke i stvori vlastitu boliivudsku pjesmu te osmisli svoj vlastiti plesni trend koji će uskoro ugledati svjetlo dana!

Na polju manekenstva, Neda će također otvoriti vlastiti Model Camp pod nazivom “Neda Zehra Model and Co.” 1. listopada 2023. godine za sve one koji sanjaju o tome da postanu modeli. Želi podučiti hod pistom, poziranje, fotosessione, šminkanje i kako biti spremna za foto-session. Iskreno želi podijeliti svoje iskustvo i znanje te pomoći ljudima da pronađu svoje samopouzdanje i vjeruju da su sposobni postići sve što žele u životu, bez obzira na dob. Želi da ljudi krenu s listom želja koje žele ostvariti kroz njezine tečajeve, u nadi da će ostvariti svoje snove uz njenu pomoć.

I to je još jedna stvar oko koje je strastvena. Kako kaže, pokušava živjeti život “manifestirajući visoke energetske vibracije”. “To zapravo znači da je tvoja vibracija temeljena na osjećajima, a ti osjećaji privlače iskustva u tvom životu. Manifestacija se temelji na stvaranju stvarnosti putem onoga što osjećaš. Ona vjeruje da ljudi privlače ono s čime su u vibracijskoj rezonanciji. Što više doživljavaš osjećaj onoga što želiš, to bliže dolaziš tome da to posjeduješ. Važno je privući prave stvari kako bi ostao usklađen sa sobom.”
Prema Nedi, postoje koraci koje možeš poduzeti kako bi to postigao i sve počinje s tvojom dušom. “Da bi se dogodile velike stvari, moraš vjerovati u život koji želiš postići.”

Kaže kako joj je bivanje hrabrom i duhovnom osobom pomoglo da živi život na način koji se usklađuje s njenim pravim bićem. Dijeljenjem svojih iskustava, cilj joj je pomoći ljudima da se liječe na različite načine, voditi ih na temelju njihovih jedinstvenih iskustava kako bi prevladali strah, stekli samopouzdanje i dosegli željene ciljeve. “Sve to počinje unutar tebe. Svi smo mi na putovanju kroz život, s mnogo lekcija koje treba savladati, ali jedno što imamo zajedničko su naše energetske vibracije. Samoljubav je ključ za sjaj i uspon!”, kaže. “Prakticiranje zahvalnosti je jedna od najviših emocionalnih frekvencija koje možemo usvojiti.” Neda kaže da puštanje onih stvari koje nas koče u ostvarivanju svojih nada i snova može odvesti prema samopouzdanju.

“Emocije su također energija i energija privlači energiju prema zakonu privlačenja. Vaši osjećaji stvaraju vašu stvarnost. Zato je važno birati glazbu koja vas povezuje s vašim srcem. Željeli biste doživjeti ono što želite ostvariti dok slušate glazbu. Umjesto pjesama koje mogu izazvati negativne emocije, jer te emocije mogu privući negativne uvjete u vašem životu. Isto vrijedi i kada se gledate u ogledalo – ako se ne osjećate dobro, počnete govoriti negativne stvari, prakticirajte zahvalnost i vjerujte da vrijedite sve i sposobni ste postići bilo što. Tada sve počinje privlačiti” kaže Neda te nastavlja
“Možda toga nismo svjesni, ali svakodnevno manifestiramo i moramo kontrolirati svoje misli. Imate moć, pa kada razmišljate o negativnim ili pozitivnim mislima, trebate očekivati rezultate koje osjećate. Ne možete prisiliti stvari i morate pustiti da stvari teku. Predajte se i vjerujte da će svemir rukovati situacijama i dati vam dobre namjere koje zaslužujete.”
Neda kaže da je prošla mnoge korake koji su je doveli do mjesta na kojem je danas i izuzetno je zahvalna. Čak objašnjava kako se ponekad trebamo osjećati nelagodno kako bismo postigli udobnost i napredak. Uvijek osjećati udobnost ne donosi napredak. To vas može dovesti do vašeg najvišeg ja, gdje možete shvatiti svoj pravi poziv u životu. “Budite dosljedni i nastavite manifestirati, sve je unutar vas. Budite vjerni sebi. Biti majka, model i pjevačica su moj najdraži blagoslovi. Također volim vidjeti ljude kako uspijevaju. Svi smo zajedno u ovom putovanju.”
Neda Zehra is a fashion model and singer located in New York City, USA. Neda has been doing modeling since she was a teenager and has released music that has opened many doors for her in both the music industry and modeling industry
She has been in several top magazines such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, L’Officiel, Glamour Magazine and now front cover for Grazia and has walked for several designers during New York Fashion Week as well as performing

She had title for Mrs. Philadelphia in 2020 and also modeled Ellen Degeneres’s Ellen Shop & several major brands such as Chanel, Naaem Khan, Derek Lam, Alberta Ferretti, Altuzarra, David Yurman, John Hardy, Sulla Johnson, Jennifer Fisher Jewelry, Moschino, Reem Acra, Mango, Oscar De La Renta & several other well known designers. Neda has also done acting for a few TV shows such as Blue Bloods and various hospital commercials. She also sang the National Anthem for the Philadelphia 76ers Delaware Blue Coats.

Neda has many talents and one of them is combining her music and modeling together . In Spring 2023 NYFW Neda was able to walk to her own song Covergirl during most fashion shows on stage and now this fall she will be performing to her own song Covergirl at New York Fashion Week on September 9th 2023. It’s becoming the song of NYFW.
She also recently released a new Bollywood song called Haseena Rai July 2023. The title “Haseena Rai” itself means beautiful. The song is about the first time she laid eyes on this specific man and she fell in love with him. In the Indian tradition at some weddings the women hide the grooms name in their hand with henna in hopes the groom will find his own name. Neda then continues to sing once you find your name in my hand, we shall dance the night away.

In an interview with Neda, she states that she is very passionate about her culture. She always used to dress up in Bollywood dresses as a kid and belly dance to all the Indian songs. She would always come up with the choreograhy to dances with her family members at special events and perform. One of her dreams was to be in an Indian movie and be in a dance. She told us a story how when she was younger, she had an opportunity to be in an Indian movie so her and her family members went to India. Unfortunately they got stuck on the train in India and never made it to her dance movie scene. Neda decided that due to that dream not coming true that it is time to take matters into her own hands and create her own Bollywood song and come up with her own dance trend which will be coming out soon!

On the modeling aspect Neda will also be opening up her own Model Camp called Neda Zehra Model and Co. October 1st 2023 for people that have a dream in wanting to be a model. She wants to teach runway, posing, photoshoots, make up and how to get camera ready before a shoot. Neda truly hopes to share all her experience and knowledge and help people gain their confidence and believe that they are capable of doing anything they want in life no matter what age you are. She wants people to start with a manifestation list to what they want to gain from her classes in hopes to fulfill all their dreams and helping guide them there.
Neda Zehra DeBiase lives life by “manifesting high-frequency energy vibrations. Which basically means your vibration is based on feelings and your feelings attract your experiences in life. Manifestation is all about creating reality by what you feel.” She believes people attract those things that they are in vibrational resonance with. “The more you experience the feeling of what you want, the more you will get closer to owning it. It’s good to attract the right things to stay aligned with yourself.” According to Neda, there are steps you can take to get there and it all starts with your soul. “For great things to happen, you have to believe in the life you want to achieve.”
Being a fearless and spiritual person has helped give Neda the freedom to live life in a way that feels aligned with her true self. By sharing her experiences, her goal is to help people heal in different ways, help guide them based on their own unique experiences to help them overcome their fear, gain confidence and get to where they want to be. “It all starts within you. We are all on our journey in life, with many lessons to face but one thing we all have in common is our energy vibrations. Self-love is the most important key to shine and rise!”

“Practicing gratitude is one of the highest frequency emotions that we can embody.” Neda says, letting go of those things that hold you back from your hopes and dreams can lead you towards self-confidence. “Emotions are also energy and energy attracts energy according to the law of attraction. Your feelings create your reality. That is why it is important when choosing to listen to music that you want to feel the music that connects to your heart. You would want to experience what you want to become reality when listening. Instead of songs that can cause you to feel negative emotions because those feelings will very well attract those conditions into your life. Same goes for when you are looking in the mirror, if you don’t feel good you start saying negative things, practice gratitude and believe you are worth everything and capable of achieving anything. That is when all starts to attract.”
“We might not realize it, but we all manifest daily and must control our thoughts. You have power, so when you think of negative or positive thoughts, you need to expect the results you feel. You can’t force things and need to let things go with the flow. Surrender and trust the universe will handle and give you the good intentions you deserve.”
Neda said she has many steps that helped lead her in the direction she is in today and is extremely grateful. She even explains how sometimes we need to get uncomfortable to get comfortable in order to move forward. “Always feeling comfortable does not yield progress. This can take you to your highest self, where you can realize your true calling in life. “Be consistent and remain to manifesting, it’s all within you. Be true to yourself”. If it wasn’t for law of attraction, believing in myself, self-love and practicing gratitude she says she wouldn’t be where she is today. “Being a mom, fashion model and singer are my favorite blessings. I also love seeing people succeed. We are all in this journey together.”
Diane Zhao @diane_zhao
Yana Echko @yanaechko_ny
Chloe Orscheln @chloeorscheln
Make up artist
Alena Lemondy
Cover fotografija look:
Top, Chandrakala. Suknja holiCHIC @holichicbymegha. Ogrlica, narukvica, Aheli. Cipele, DEIJI DESIGN @deijidesign. Naušnice Taleed @taleed_lamya. Tikka, Lovenspire. Dupatta, DUPATTA BAZAAR