Donna Mathilda Mélusine dei Principi Ruspoli, također poznata kao princeza Mélusine Ruspoli, talijanski je model i modna influencerica koja se sigurnim koracima probija u modnoj industriji.
Razgovarali smo s Mélusine kako bismo otkrili kako je izgledao njezin put u modnoj industriji, s kojim se izazovima bori, ali i koliko je teško ostati autentičan u današnjem dinamičnom svijetu mode.
Svoj početak u modnoj areni obilježila je sa samo 18 godina, kad je bila odabrana kao predstavnica za prestižni Bal debitanata, koji je podržao Chanel. Ova prilika označila je početak njezinog puta u modellingu, potičući je na to da potpiše ugovore s nekoliko agencija u Parizu.

Njezini prvi koraci na modnoj pisti, kako se prisjeća, bili su oni za Dolce & Gabbanu na Tjednu mode u Milanu 2017. godine: “Bila sam oduševljena što imam priliku raditi za jednu takvu renomiranu talijansku modnu marku. Njihove su revije uvijek spektakularne”.
Od tada do danas, Mélusine je postala prepoznatljivo lice surađujući s agencijama poput Marilyna i Next Models te pozirajući za prestižne časopise kao što su “L’Officiel Italia” i “Vogue Spain”. “Najvažnija lekcija koju sam na ovom putu naučila je to da je važno uvijek nadati se i vjerovati u sebe”, ističe ona.

Jedno od njezinih najdražih iskustava bilo je snimanje naslovnice za “L’Officiel Italy” sa Chanelom. “Snimanje je bilo izazovno jer sam morala usvojiti potpuno drukčiji karakter. No to je bilo i zabavno i razigrano!”.
Na pitanje o autentičnosti u današnjem svijetu, Mélusine ističe: “Autentičnost za mene znači biti vjeran sebi, a ne slijediti vanjska očekivanja.” A tu autentičnost trudi se sačuvati i pri biranju suradnji, za koje je, kako ističe, važno da su brendovi etični i usklađeni s njenim osjećajem stila.

“Naučila sam da zadržavanje svog integriteta ponekad zahtijeva odbijanje određenih prilika”, dodaje.

Njezin tipičan radni dan kao modela varira, ali uvijek pokušava održati balans i zdrav način života: “Ovisi o danima jer je svako snimanje drukčije. No uvijek pokušavam meditirati ujutro prije nego mi dan započne i pokušavam održati korak s vježbanjem čak i kad snimanje počinje rano ujutro”, objašnjava.

Baš zbog nepredvidljivosti rasporeda, modna industrija popraćena je brojnim izazovima, a Mélusine, kako ističe, najteže pada odvojenost od obitelji i prijatelja. “Moje prave vrijednosti leže u tome da provodim vrijeme s obitelji, bliskim prijateljima i biti u prirodi. Lako se izgubiti u današnjem svijetu kojim upravljaju društvene mreže, a pritisak traženja odobrenja drugih može biti ogroman”.
Na kraju, Mélusine dijeli svoje planove za budućnost, ističući želju za stvaranjem vlastitog brenda. “Imati vlastiti brend bio bi jedan od njih”, zaključuje.

Donna Mathilda Mélusine dei Principi Ruspoli, also known as Princess Melusine Ruspoli, is an Italian model and fashion influencer making strides in the fashion industry.
We spoke with Mélusine to uncover her journey in the fashion industry, the challenges she faces, and how difficult it is to remain authentic in today’s dynamic world of fashion.
She marked her entry into the fashion arena at the age of 18 when she was chosen as a representative for the prestigious Bal des Débutantes, supported by Chanel. This opportunity marked the beginning of her modeling career, prompting her to sign contracts with several agencies in Paris.

Her first steps on the fashion runway were for Dolce & Gabbana at Milan Fashion Week in 2017: “I was thrilled to walk for such a renowned Italian fashion brand. The production of their shows are always spectacular. In 2018, I was invited back to walk for their Alta Moda show in December, also in Milan. It was exciting to be part of such unique events as I thrive on new experiences.”

Since then, Mélusine has become a recognizable face, collaborating with agencies like Marilyn and Next Models and posing for prestigious magazines such as L’Officiel Italia and Vogue Spain.
“The most important lesson I’ve learned on this journey is that it’s crucial to always trust and believe in yourself,” she emphasizes.

One of her favorite experiences was shooting the cover for L’Officiel Italy with Chanel.
“It was a privilege to grace my first cover with what I regard as one of the pinnacles of luxury and elegance. The shoot was extraordinary as I had to adopt a completely different character. It felt transformational and challenging, yet it was also fun and playful!”
When asked about authenticity in today’s world, Mélusine emphasizes: “Authenticity to me means being true to myself rather than following external expectations.”
She strives to maintain this authenticity in her collaborations, emphasizing that it’s important to her that brands that she collaborates with are ethical and aligned with her sense of style.

“I’ve learned that maintaining your integrity sometimes means turning down certain opportunities,” she adds.
Her typical workday as a model varies, but she always tries to maintain balance and a healthy lifestyle: “It depends on the day because every shoot is different. But I always try to meditate in the morning before the day begins and try to keep up with exercise even when the shoot starts early in the morning,” she explains.

Despite the unpredictability of the schedule, the fashion industry comes with numerous challenges, and Mélusine, as she points out, finds the separation from family and friends the most difficult: “My real values lie in nurturing my time with family, close friends, and being in nature. It’s easy to get lost in today’s social media-driven world where the pressure of seeking external validation can be overwhelming…”
Finally, Mélusine shares her plans for the future, expressing a desire to create her own brand. “Having my own brand would be one of them,” she concludes.

Fotografije: Don Cunningham
Produkcija: Marina Masowietsky
Stylist: Kirsten Reader
Hair & Makeup: Christina Spina