Poduzetništvo je često okarakterizirano kao svijet kojim dominiraju muškarci, gdje su izazovi s kojima se žene suočavaju često veći i složeniji. No priče i osobe poput Mare Dorne dokazuju da, unatoč tim preprekama, žene mogu ne samo uspjeti nego i predvoditi promjene u industrijama koje su tradicionalno naklonjene muškarcima

Njezina nevjerojatna karijera podsjetnik je da upornost, vjera u sebe i autentičnost mogu izgraditi put do vrha, neovisno o tome koliko je konkurencija jaka ili okruženje zahtjevno. Mara je svojim primjerom pokazala da žene itekako imaju svoje mjesto u svijetu poduzetništva – i da ga mogu osvojiti s jednakom, ako ne i većom snagom.

Mara Dorne je self-made milijunašica, autorica bestselera i voditeljica prestižne tvrtke u industriji zdravstvenog osiguranja. No kada smo je zamolili da nam se opiše, Mara nudi osvježavajuću perspektivu: “Istina je da se stalno razvijam i pokušavam dodati ponešto novo u svoj “životopis”, ali titule na koje sam najponosnija su majka, kći, supruga i prijateljica. No više me zanimaju drugi, kako se oni predstavljaju i preferiram slušati njihove priče.” 

Outfit: Boutique, cipele: Christian Louboutin

Ova iskrena znatiželja i briga za druge ono je što je izdvaja. Marin fokus na pozitivno utjecanje na ljude oko nje srž je svega što radi, posebno kada je riječ o osnaživanju žena poduzetnica. “Moj životni moto jest pozitivno utjecati na svaku osobu koju sretnem”, naglašava, osobito kad je riječ o mentorstvu žena u poslovanju.

No Marina priča iznimno je inspirativna i vrijedna slušanja. Njezin put nije bio gladak, a uspjeh nije došao preko noći. Marina priča duboko je ukorijenjena u osobnim iskustvima, od kojih su mnoga oblikovala njezinu žestoku otpornost i čvrst stav. Ključni trenutak koji ju je oblikovao bio je gubitak oca u mladoj dobi. Odgajana od samohrane majke, Mara se i sama našla u sličnoj situaciji, odgajajući vlastitu djecu samostalno sve do susreta sa sadašnjim suprugom. Razmišljajući o tom vremenu, dijeli: “S tom tragedijom došle su lekcije o tvrdim ljubavima, slojevima snage i stavu bez izgovora.” Ove rane naučile su Maru snazi i oblikovale ju u vođu kakva je danas.

Najvažnija promjena u razmišljanju za Maru bila je naučiti vjerovati u sebe – potpuno. “Ne 99 %, nego 100 %, cjelovito i potpuno. Ako ne vjerujem u sebe, kako mogu očekivati da netko drugi vjeruje”, objašnjava. Ovaj stav vodio ju je kroz svaki korak njezine karijere. “Uvijek sam zadržala mentalitet službenice – da radim za druge. Oni ne rade za mene.”

šal i nakit: vintage CHANEL, Jakna: @kriedesign

Definiranje uspjeha i prihvaćanje ranljivosti

Marina definicija uspjeha s vremenom se razvijala i mijenjala. Za nju, uspjeh se ne mjeri isključivo novcem – riječ je o autentičnosti. “Vjerujem da visina uspjeha dolazi kada steknete svoje najistinitije, najautentičnije ja”, objašnjava. Uspjeh, prema Mari, može biti osjećaj, postignuće ili jednostavno biti dovoljno ranjiv da spustite svoju gard.

Ova tema ranjivosti spominje se i u jednom od Marinih najosobnijih projekata, knjizi “Savršene nesavršenosti”, koja se bavi temama unutarnjega govora i moći prihvaćanja vlastitih slabosti. “Inspirirale su me utjecajne osobe s kojima se okružujem i činjenica kako ne želim da itko osjeća da je sam na svom putu”, kaže. “Čak i ako je samo jedna osoba imala koristi od mojih riječi, onda je moj cilj ispunjen”, dodaje, objašnjavajući da bi voljela da svatko tko pročita njezinu knjigu nauči prihvatiti svoja nesavršenstva jer su to često naše najveće snage.

Govoreći o snazi i slabostima, poduzetnica nam je otvoreno ispričala o svojim borbama s mentalnim zdravljem, posebno s anksioznošću. “Trenutak kad sam prestala skrivati se od svijeta bio je trenutak kad sam postala jača”, kaže, otkrivajući da je prihvaćanje ranjivosti doprinijelo njezinom rastu te da je s vremenom naučila potpuno prihvatiti sebe.

Outfit: Zara Denim

Prevladavanje izazova

Mara je u industriju zdravstvenog osiguranja ušla slučajno. “Uvijek kažem, nisam ja izabrala zdravstveno osiguranje… zdravstveno osiguranje izabralo je mene”, smije se, prisjećajući se dana kad je agent zdravstvenog osiguranja pokucao na njezina vrata, što je bilo njezino prvo iskustvo u tom polju. Njezine prirodne liderske kvalitete brzo su je dovele do vrha, gdje sada vodi tim od više od 1500 agenata. “Transparentna sam i ulažem vrijeme u to da stvarno upoznam svoje ljude”, objašnjava, dodajući da koristi događaje, poticajne programe i zajedničke projekte za izgradnju zajednice.

U industriji u kojoj dominiraju muškarci, Mara se suočila s brojnim izazovima, osobito kad je riječ o stjecanju “mjesta za stolom”.

“Bila sam često pod utjecajem predrasuda zbog svog izgleda”, priznaje, no njezin rad na kraju je govorio sam za sebe. “Pronašla sam nišu u pomaganju drugim vrhunskim ženama da dobiju mjesto pored mene,” dodaje.

Marin dnevni raspored svjedoči o njezinoj posvećenosti i disciplini. Njezin dan počinje rano, kako kaže, često i prije nego što ostatak svijeta ustane. “U 05:00 idem u teretanu, zatim odvodim djecu u školu, radim svoj 9-17 (više poput 8-20) posao, a zatim se posvećujem coaching sesijama, BILF brend projektima i osobnom razvoju”, objašnjava. Balansiranje između više uloga zahtijeva dobro organizirani tim, a Mara se oslanja na svoj dream team koji joj pomaže uskladiti sve obveze.

Marin savjet poduzetnicima, osobito onima koji tek počinju, jednostavan je, ali moćan: “Morate uložiti tri neizostavna faktora: vrijeme, novac i žrtvu.” Vjeruje da su to ključni sastojci uspjeha u bilo kojem poslovnom pothvatu.

Outfit: @chereshnivska, nakit: @burkinbae, cipele: Christian Louboutin

Životna filozofija

Kad je riječ o njezinoj osobnoj filozofiji, Mara ostaje prizemljena podsjećajući se da se ne smije upuštati u nepotrebni stres. “Nebo se ne ruši”, kaže. “Kad se to stvarno dogodi, tada ćemo imati pravi problem.” Ova prizemljena perspektiva pomaže joj nositi se s brojnim zahtjevima njezina posla i osobnog života.

Gledajući u budućnost, Mara se nada da će njezina ostavština biti svedena na dvije riječi – ljubaznost i utjecaj. “Želim da me pamte kao osobu koja je bila dobra”, kaže, naglašavajući da je dobrota, iznad svega, ono što stvarno ima važnost na kraju. Kroz svoj rad, svoju knjigu i svoje vodstvo, Mara nastavlja inspirirati ljude oko sebe da vjeruju u sebe, prihvaćaju svoje nesavršenosti i teže velikim postignućima – uvijek s ljubaznim srcem.

Denim Jacket: GUESS Jeans: Zara Denim

English version

Entrepreneurship is often characterized as a male-dominated world, where the challenges faced by women are often greater and more complex. However, individuals like Mara Dorne demonstrate that, despite these obstacles, women can not only succeed but also lead change in industries traditionally skewed towards men.

Her incredible career is a reminder that perseverance, self-belief, and authenticity can pave the way to the top, regardless of how fierce the competition is or how demanding the environment may be. Mara has shown through her example that women indeed have a place in the world of entrepreneurship—and that they can conquer it with equal, if not greater, strength.

Mara Dorne is a self-made millionaire, a bestselling author, and the senior regional sales leader of a prestigious company in the health insurance industry. However, when we asked her to describe herself, Mara offers a refreshing perspective: “The truth is, I am constantly evolving and trying to add something new to my ‘resume’, but the titles I’m most proud of are mother, daughter, wife, and friend. I’m more interested in others, how they present themselves, and I prefer to listen to their stories.”

Sequin Dress: Boutique, Shoes: Christian Louboutin

This genuine curiosity and care for others set her apart. Mara’s focus on positively impacting those around her is at the heart of everything she does, especially when it comes to empowering women entrepreneurs. “My life motto is to positively influence every person I meet”, she emphasizes, particularly regarding mentoring women in business.

However, Mara’s story is exceptionally inspiring and worth listening to. Her journey has not been smooth, and her success did not come overnight. Mara’s narrative is deeply rooted in personal experiences, many of which have shaped her fierce resilience and strong character. A key moment that shaped her was losing her father at a young age. Raised by a single mother, Mara found herself in a similar situation, raising her own children alone until she met her current husband. Reflecting on that time, she shares, “With that tragedy came lessons about tough love, layers of strength, and an excuse-free attitude.” These early lessons taught Mara about strength and shaped her into the leader she is today.

The most important mindset shift for Mara was learning to believe in herself – completely. “Not 99 percent, but 100 percent, whole and fully. If I don’t believe in myself, how can I expect someone else to believe in me?”, she explains. This attitude has guided her through every step of her career. “I’ve always maintained a servant mentality—working for others. They don’t work for me.”

Scarf & earrings: vintage CHANEL, White jacket: @kriedesign

Defining success and embracing vulnerability

Mara’s definition of success has evolved and changed over time. For her, success is not measured solely by money – it’s about authenticity. “I believe that the height of success comes when you attain your truest, most authentic self”, she explains. Success, according to Mara, can be a feeling, an achievement, or simply being vulnerable enough to let your guard down.

This theme of vulnerability is also touched upon in one of Mara’s most personal projects, the book Perfect Imperfections, which addresses topics of self-talk and the power of accepting one’s own weaknesses. “I was inspired by the influential people I surround myself with and the fact that I don’t want anyone to feel alone on their journey”, she says. “Even if just one person benefits from my words, then my goal is fulfilled”, she adds, explaining that she hopes everyone who reads her book learns to embrace their imperfections, as they are often our greatest strengths.

Speaking about strengths and weaknesses, the entrepreneur openly shared her struggles with mental health, particularly with anxiety. “The moment I stopped hiding from the world was the moment I became stronger”, she says, revealing that embracing vulnerability has contributed to her growth and that she has learned to fully accept herself over time.

Jeans: Zara Denim

Overcoming challenges

Mara entered the health insurance industry by chance. “I always say, I didn’t choose health insurance… health insurance chose me”, she laughs, recalling the day a health insurance agent knocked on her door, marking her first experience in the field. Her natural leadership qualities quickly brought her to the top, where she now leads a team of over 1,500 agents. “I’m transparent and take the time to really get to know my people”, she explains, adding that she uses events, incentive programs, and collaborative projects to build community.

In an industry dominated by men, Mara has faced numerous challenges, especially when it comes to gaining a “seat at the table”.

“I was often subject to bias because of my appearance,” she admits, but her work ultimately spoke for itself. “I found a niche in helping other top women get a seat beside me”, she adds.

Mara’s daily schedule reflects her dedication and discipline. Her day starts early, as she says, often before the rest of the world wakes up. “At 5 a.m., I go to the gym, then I take the kids to school, work my 9-5 (more like 8-8), and then I commit to coaching sessions, BILF brand projects, and personal development”, she explains. Balancing multiple roles requires a well-organized team, and Mara relies on her “dream team” to help her juggle all her commitments.

Mara’s advice to entrepreneurs, especially those just starting, is simple yet powerful: “You must invest three non-negotiable factors: time, money, and sacrifice.” She believes these are the key ingredients for success in any business endeavor.

Patchwork crop top & pants: @chereshnivska Earrings: Sunglasses @burkinbae Shoes: Christian Louboutin

Life philosophy

When it comes to her personal philosophy, Mara remains grounded, reminding herself not to engage in unnecessary stress. “The sky isn’t falling”, she says. “When that really happens, then we’ll have a real problem”. This grounded perspective helps her manage the numerous demands of her work and personal life.

Looking to the future, Mara hopes her legacy will boil down to two words – kindness and impact. “I want to be remembered as someone who was kind”, she says, emphasizing that kindness, above all, is what truly matters in the end. Through her work, her book, and her leadership, Mara continues to inspire those around her to believe in themselves, embrace their imperfections, and strive for great achievements – always with a kind heart.

Denim Jacket: GUESS, Jeans: Zara Denim



Produced by: @natashagraziano

PR Agency: @Intriguepublications

Creative director: @emlisajones

Photographer: @vadellaphoto

Stylist: @nicki.1984 Styling

Assistant: @suzydayy

Makeup: @champagneheidybeauty

Hair: @evelynshairstyles_

Outfit Credits:

Sequin Dress: Boutique Shoes: Christian Louboutin Denim Jacket: GUESS Jeans: Zara Denim patchwork crop top & pants: @chereshnivska Earrings: Sunglasses @burkinbae Shoes: Christian Louboutin Jeans: Zara Black clutch: Philipp Plein Jewellery: Vintage Shoes: Christian Louboutin Jeans: Zara Shoes: Christian Louboutin Scarf & earrings: vintage CHANEL White jacket: @kriedesign