Volimo razmišljati izvan okvira. Jednako tako cijenimo i umjetnike koji nas svojim radom potiču na razmišljanje “izvan okvira”. A da je put mašte najbolji za postizanje istog, dokaz je i Amara, umjetnica i modna dizajnerica.
Amara je Latinoamerikanka, rođena u Meksiku, a sada živi u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Ona svoj umjetnički put gradi putem Instagram profila @amara.artbox, a njezini radovi, i njezina umjetnost slave samootkriće i prihvaćanje. Sve ovo potaknulo nas je na to da joj se javimo i saznamo nešto više o moći kreativnosti i umjetničkom stvaralaštvu ove kreativne individue.

Korzet: DIANA COUTURE @dianamputri
Nakit: Atra Nova By Sheila B @@atranova_by_sheilab
“Projekt AMARA je moje ljubavno pismo ženama, svima koji se identificiraju s ženskim duhom. To je proslava ženske božanske suštine. Moja ideja stvaranja umjetnosti jest namjera da njome izrazim svoje neslaganje s popularnim uvjerenjima i idejama koje me ne predstavljaju kao ženu te još više izlaže moje feminističke ideale kroz svoje slike kako bi se drugi mogli osnažiti i preuzeti kontrolu nad svojim životima”, započela je Amara.
U društvu koje često nameće uske definicije, Amara se oslobađa ograničenja hvatajući suštinu žena u svom raznolikom sjaju. Kroz svoj rad, često slavi samootkriće i prihvaćanje, a njezini radovi nerijetko pozivaju na poštovanje kulturne fuzije i ženskog izraza.

Nakit: ARIEL TAUB @arieltaub_accessories
Sve to očituje se i u umjetnosti brenda Amare, koja nadilazi puku estetiku i pritom kao da poziva žene na međusobno osnaživanje, potičući ih da pritom zagrle vlastitu borbenost i ženstvenost.
“Umjetnost po meni ima moć oblikovati perspektive i izazivati norme. Kroz svoje slike, ciljam pojačati glasove žena i potaknuti ih da prihvate svoju moć i ljepotu.”

Kupaći: Bluebella @bluebella
Naušnice: Atra Nova By Sheila B @@atranova_by_sheilab
Ogrlica: Pavé The Way @pavethewayjewelry

Kupaći: Bluebella @bluebella
Naušnice: Atra Nova By Sheila B @@atranova_by_sheilab
Ogrlica: Pavé The Way @pavethewayjewelry
Njezina modna kolekcija i snažne slike uključuju odvažne statement komade ukrašene Amarinim prepoznatljivim simbolima poput snažnih izraza očiju, nadrealističkih motiva i živopisnih paleta boja.
Promatrajući poteze kista i živopisne boje Amarinih radova, vidimo poruku koju nam umjetnica želi poslati – žene mogu definirati sebe kako god žele, bilo kroz odjeću ili umjetnost, bez ikakve rezerve ili osjećaja krivnje.

Za istraživanje više Amarinih umjetničkih djela posjetite www.amaraartbx.com i pratite @amara.artx i @amara.art.fashion na društvenim mrežama kako biste vidjeli više njezinih stvaranja, njezino vizualno pripovijedanje i rad iza scene.

English version:
We love thinking outside the box. Similarly, we appreciate artists who inspire us to think “beyond boundaries” with their work. Amara, an artist and fashion designer, is a testament to the fact that the path of imagination is the best way to achieve this.
Amara is a Latina, born in Mexico, and now living in the United States. She builds her artistic journey through her Instagram profile @amara.artbox, where her works and her art celebrate self-discovery and acceptance. This inspired us to reach out to her and learn more about the power of creativity and the artistic creation of this creative individual.

Corset: DIANA COUTURE @dianamputri
Earrings: Atra Nova By Sheila B @@atranova_by_sheilab
“The AMARA project is my love letter to women, to all who identify with the feminine spirit. It is a celebration of the divine feminine essence. My idea of creating art is to express my disagreement with popular beliefs and ideas that do not represent me as a woman and to further expose my feminist ideals through my paintings so that others can be empowered and take control of their lives”, Amara began.
In a society that often imposes narrow definitions, Amara frees herself from limitations by capturing the essence of women in their diverse brilliance. Through her work, Ana often celebrates self-discovery and acceptance, and her pieces frequently call for respect for cultural fusion and feminine expression.

Earrings & headpiece: ARIEL TAUB @arieltaub_accessories
This is also evident in the art of the Amara brand, which transcends mere aesthetics and seems to invite women to empower each other, encouraging them to embrace their own fierceness and femininity.
In my view, art has the power to shape perspectives and challenge norms. Through my paintings, I aim to amplify women’s voices and encourage them to embrace their power and beauty.

Swimsuit: Bluebella @bluebella
Earrings: Atra Nova By Sheila B @@atranova_by_sheilab
Necklace: Pavé The Way @pavethewayjewelry

Her fashion collection and powerful paintings include bold statement pieces adorned with Amara’s recognizable symbols such as strong expressions of eyes, surreal motifs, and vibrant color palettes.
Observing the brushstrokes and vivid colors of Amara’s works, we see the message the artist wants to convey – women can define themselves however they want, whether through clothing or art, without any reservations or feelings of guilt.

To explore more of Amara’s artistic works, visit www.amaraartbx.com and follow @amara.artx and @amara.art.fashion on social media to see more of her creations, visual storytelling, and behind-the-scenes work.

Team credits:
Muse: AMARA @amara.artx
Photography: Reinhardt Kenneth @reinhardtkenneth
Fashion Stylist: Michelle Wu @michellewustyle
HMUA: Jael Serrano @serranostudiosla
Lighting Director: Hugo Arvizu @arvizu_arts
Digitech & Photographer’s Assistant: Suimay Lee @suimaylee
PR: Olga Ivanova @olgaivvanovva